
12Nov 2018

“Insieme contro la Povertà Educativa” è il titolo della tavola rotonda tenutasi il 26 ottobre presso il centro Kalat di Campobello di Licata, in cui attraverso gli interventi del project manager del progetto Kalat, arch. Giovanni Vultaggio, della dott.ssa Emanuela Marchese, responsabile dell’iniziativa  USEIT, della dott.ssa Maria Ausilia Corsello dirigente dell’I. C. Verga di Canicattì […]

21Ago 2018

One of the peculiarities of this small town of Campobello is the tradition of keeping horses. A typical day is not complete without the sounds of carretti siciliani. The craft of making carts passes from generation to generation and it’s an honor for campobellezzians to inherit the family carriages. Every year, a manifestation of horses […]

23Lug 2018

On the 20th of July, Kalat held its first international evening – American Spirit in Sicily! We discovered one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world through music, gastronomy, atmosphere and games. The evening started with the tasting of the famous american hamburgers, chocolate chip cookies, and traditional apple pie. At the bar […]

30Apr 2018

As part of our series of international laboratories, we invited our guest Dr. Shuli Yu to collaborate with our resident psychologist dott.ssa Emanuela Marchese. Together, they conducted a full day workshop on Friday, 27th April 2018, where they taught youths how to learn and memorize information. Dr. Shuli Yu is a cognitive psychologist specializing in […]