On the 20th of July, Kalat held its first international evening – American Spirit in Sicily!
We discovered one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world through music, gastronomy, atmosphere and games.
The evening started with the tasting of the famous american hamburgers, chocolate chip cookies, and traditional apple pie. At the bar Prohibition Era cocktails were presented along with classic ones.

We tested the participants knowledge about the USA with a quiz where they could win a prize. They were split into three parties: Democrats, Republicans and Greens. The competition was harsh between the Democrats and the Republicans. But eventually the Democrats took the lead and won a special evening cocktail.
The evening continued with board games and concluded with the American legendary pieces of jazz, pop, country and rock music.

How much do you know about the USA?
Challenge yourself!

Facts about the USA

About Maro Mkhitaryan

Ciao! My name is Maro. I’m a 23-year-old volunteer coming from Armenia. After studying Economics and Marketing in a French University in Armenia, I went to France to practice my skills. There I got interested in tourism and since then I have been working in the tourism sector. My interest in Italian culture brought me to Sicily. I have the chance to work, travel, explore and live in an Italian environment. Moreover, I’m learning the language, the history and traditions of this beautiful island and spending memorable moments with locals. In my blog I’ll share my impressions of Sicily so you can experience it through my eyes.