One of the peculiarities of this small town of Campobello is the tradition of keeping horses.
A typical day is not complete without the sounds of carretti siciliani. The craft of making carts passes from generation to generation and it’s an honor for campobellezzians to inherit the family carriages.

Every year, a manifestation of horses is organised where people assist the folkloristic parade. From the beginning of my arrival I was told about this holiday and imagine my enthusiasm and excitement to be part of it. The streets and balconies were full with people who didn’t want to miss a thing. The town went back in time where people wore traditional costumes, sang folk songs and rode horses. Carriages had the colors of Sicilian flag with the painted depiction of the history of the island.

At the end of the parade the auction was held to win the flag of the Madonna “La Bannera” People who had made a promise to the Madonna dell’Aiuto could participate in the auction, and the collected money is usually donated to the Mother Church. The festival concluded with beautiful fireworks.

Another memorable day of my experience.

About Maro Mkhitaryan

Ciao! My name is Maro. I’m a 23-year-old volunteer coming from Armenia. After studying Economics and Marketing in a French University in Armenia, I went to France to practice my skills. There I got interested in tourism and since then I have been working in the tourism sector. My interest in Italian culture brought me to Sicily. I have the chance to work, travel, explore and live in an Italian environment. Moreover, I’m learning the language, the history and traditions of this beautiful island and spending memorable moments with locals. In my blog I’ll share my impressions of Sicily so you can experience it through my eyes.